Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holiday Break Reading Challenge Activity #9

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Day.  I was surfing the Internet the other day and came across Unshelved, an online web comic about libraries.  I did a search of the archives for Christmas related content and came across this little gem.

If you'll notice, Christopher Moore is mentioned as the author of this comic.  I've two books by Christopher Moore, BLOODSUCKING FIENDS and YOU SUCK.

So, trusty Holiday Break Reading Challenge participants - here is your challenge.  You have two choices.  You need to create a post on your blog about one of two things.  
1 - You can feature Christopher Moore talking about books you've already read or ones you'd like to read
2 - You can go a totally different direction and create a post about books about ZOMBIES - either ones you've already read or ones you want to read.

I know, I know...this isn't really sticking to the Christmas spirit, but... oh well, maybe you'll win a prize.

EDIT: I had no idea THE STUPIDEST ANGEL was a real book.  I need to research better.

Be sure to link your post to this one using Mr. Linky.


  1. I hope you don't mind but I went a different way altogether and talked about Unshelved. I love that comic strip and have collected all of their books. I have printed and displayed a number of their book reviews in my Media Center.

  2. Interesting question! I guess we never know where you're going to take us on this strange Holiday Challenge journey!

  3. Good idea. Vampires or zombies? the big question, right? xD

  4. Please don't enter me since I posted an old post I did all about zombies AND because I already won!!!! I just wanted to share what I found!!

  5. @Kathy - no problem. I love the Unshelved Book Reviews. I didn't know there were so many. I might have to put some up in my library too. There are several young adult titles listed.

    @Jill You are able to win more than once. If someone is chosen a second time, I'll choose a second winner for that activity.


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